Friday, December 11, 2009

Higher Medical Training

Higher Medical Training (HMT)

Higher Medical Training (HMT) in Ireland is conducted in the grade of Specialist Registrar (SpR). Within the College, the Department of Medical Training oversees the training of doctors to specialist level in twenty-five specialties. The six training bodies in the RCPI include:

The Irish Committee on Higher Medical Training, RCPI (ICHMT)

Faculty of Paediatrics, RCPI

Faculty of Pathology, RCPI

Faculty of Occupational Medicine, RCPI

Faculty of Public Health Medicine, RCPI

Institute of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists, RCPI

These training bodies, in conjunction with the Medical Training Department have developed curricula and approved training posts capable of furnishing all the training experiences necessary for SpRs. The supervision and day-to-day administration of the SpR training process is carried out by Dr. Bernard Silke, Dean of Higher Medical Training and by the RCPI the Medical Training Team.

For more information, please continue reading or visit the following links:

Entry Criteria
Training And Study Days
SpR Abroad Scheme
Contacting Higher Medical Training
Frequently Asked Questions

Entry Criteria
Those intending to train as a specialist must succeed in obtaining an SpR appointment in open competition. Information about the specialties administered by the college can be found here. Specific entry requirements can be found in the individual specialty curriculum.

Applications for entry to the SpR Training Programmes are advertised by the Medical Training Department in the Autumn of each year, and suitable candidates are then interviewed in February/March. Successful candidates are appointed to a training post beginning 1st July of the year they are interviewed. For more information on recruitment click here.

Training and Study Days
Following appointment, an SpR proceeds through a programme of training that typically lasts four to six years, and follows a specialty curriculum which identifies required competencies. Programmes are constructed so as to provide experience in both teaching and district/general hospitals in order to meet all the curricular requirements. SpRs are responsible for keeping a record of all of their training in their logbook. The logbook is a legal record of the SpRs training, and as such they are required to be completed diligently and signed off by the relevant trainers.
Many specialties utilise a programme of SpR study (training) days to explore specialty-specific topics in depth. However, despite the attention that has been given to creating structured training programmes for SpRs, there is sufficient flexibility to allow individuals to pursue sub-specialty interests through research or clinical fellowships.
For specialties in Higher Medical Training which administer Study Days through the College, programmes can be found on our dedicated Online Medical Education Centre which all of our SpR's have access to.

Each year the Medical Training Department conducts assessments of SpRs to monitor their training and ensure that the SpRs’ training needs are being met. SpRs are notified of assessment dates in February of each year, with the assessments taking place from April to June. It is necessary for SpRs to attend their assessments in order to receive training credit. More information on assessments can be found on our dedicated SpR Online Medical Education Centre.

SpR Abroad Scheme
This is an initiative co-ordinated by the Forum of Irish Postgraduate Medical Training Bodies to provide SpR salaries for SpRs undertaking training abroad in specific sub-specialties or for identified skills for which training is limited or unavailable in Ireland. For more information please click here.

Contacting Higher Medical Training
Higher Medical Training, Royal College of Physicians of Ireland,
19 South Frederick Street, Dublin 2
Phone: (01) 863 9700 E-Mail:

For queries regarding Chemical Pathology, Dermatology, Endocrinology, Hematology, Histopathology, Immunology, Nephrology and Obstetrics & Gynecology please contact:
Ms. Kellie Myers -

For queries regarding Clinical Pharmacology, Gastroenterology, Medical Oncology, Neurology, General Paediatrics, Palliative Medicine and Rehabilitation Medicine please contact:
Ms. Louise Treacy -

For queries regarding Cardiology, Geriatric Medicine, Public Health Medicine, Respiratory Medicine, Rheumatology, Infectious Diseases, Occupational Medicine and Genito-Urinary Medicine please contact:
Ms. Claire Hughes -

For queries regarding General (Internal) Medicine and Clinical Microbiology please contact:
Ms. Jennifer Shiels -

Frequently Asked Questions
For frequently asked questions, please see here.

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